BritRail 英國鐵路西南通行證(彈性 3 / 4 / 8 / 15日)

100+ 人參加過
BritRail 英國鐵路西南通行證(活期3 / 4 / 8 / 15日)
頁面顯示 AI 翻譯資訊,內容如有歧異,請以原文為準
  • 持1張通行證輕鬆遊覽英格蘭西南部和威爾斯!無需每次在車站排隊兌換車票,節省寶貴時間盡情玩樂
  • 根據需求選擇3,4,8或15天彈性通行證,你還可以選擇連續通行證
  • 3至9名乘客全程同行,購買同行優惠票可享20%折扣
  • 帶上孩子一起出遊?不用擔心,1位成人或長者可免費攜帶1名兒童(5 - 15歲)
  • 節省領取票券的時間,享受免費宅配到府服務!
  • 除了無限搭乘鐵路,持鐵路通行證還可以享受額外優惠、折扣
  • 前往KLOOK歐洲火車票預訂頁面,輕鬆查看時間表、還能預約座位






  • 訂單立即確認,如未收到訂單確認資訊,請聯繫客服


  • This offer is not available for UK passport holders
  • To be considered as a resident of a country, you have to stay in the country for more than 6 months and must provide a proof of residence or citizenship while on the train
  • Proof of citizenship can be established by a passport. Proof of residence can be established by government issued residency documents, e.g. visa, residence card
  • Your country of residence and passport number will be printed on the pass, so please make sure you fill in the accurate information upon checkout
  • If you have resided in country A for over 6 months, but are a passport-holder of country B, you can either fill in A as your country of residence at checkout and provide your passport and proof of residence while on the train, or fill in B as your country of residence at checkout and provide your passport while on the train


  • Departure to Europe:
  • You must show your physical pass and passport or proof of residence when the conductor comes around to check your ticket on the train. Never leave them at home!
  • Please activate your pass within 11 months from the date of issue. To activate your pass, present it with your passport to a railway official at the station of departure
  • Before boarding a train, fill in the travel calendar on the pass and travel diary on the pass cover
  • 19:00 rule: Use up only 1 travel day if you travel on trains that depart after 19:00 and arrive after 4:00. When making use of the 19:00 rule, please enter the next day's date on the pass



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